First Name *
Last Name *
Company Name *
E-Mail *
Phone *
Please list your current location; where you/your crews are below.
Location(s) *
My crews & I are prepared for disaster work living in a post-hurricane area, working 7 days a week, and working safely on a ladder and roof.
Yes *
We have the following capabilities: *Check all that apply.
General Liability Insurance
Roofing Workers Comp Insurance
Certified Payroll compliance
Number of minium 4 person experienced crews *
Number of minium 4 person High Pitch Crews *
Number of experienced 4 person metal roof crews *
Number of experienced Carpentry Crews *
Relevant Experience: Please state any relevant experience with roofing, disaster relief work, Operation Blue Roof. *
Please Select the areas you would consider working in.
North/South Carolina
New England
Puerto Rico
US Virgin Islands
We’ll contact you if we get an activation in these areas. We have advanced contracting initiatives in place for these areas.
2 + 2 = ?Please prove that you are human by solving the equation *